[Alsa-user] Changing the loopback name
Olivier Schmitt
2017-06-23 16:13:09 UTC
Dear Alsa Users,

I have find in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf how to change the loopback id
and index.
But i dont find how to change the name.

For example:

options snd-aloop index=1 id=loop6m name=loop6m enable=1

When i get alsacap utility anwser:

Card 1, ID `loop6m', name `Loopback'

How can i change the name?

Thanks in advance
Maurizio Berti
2017-06-23 17:55:35 UTC
I'm afraid that it's not possible via runtime, since it's hardcoded in the
module source.
But you might try to use a virtual device through .asoundrc, which you can
name as you wish.
Post by Olivier Schmitt
Dear Alsa Users,
I have find in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf how to change the loopback
id and index.
But i dont find how to change the name.
options snd-aloop index=1 id=loop6m name=loop6m enable=1
Card 1, ID `loop6m', name `Loopback'
How can i change the name?
Thanks in advance
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È difficile avere una convinzione precisa quando si parla delle ragioni del
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Maurizio Berti
2017-06-23 18:22:42 UTC
Hum first thank for your response.
The problÚme is that lots of software take the name and not the ID...
I don't no why...
I suppose that the ID string should be unique, while the name might be
duplicate (in case of multiple identical devices), but I'm not sure about
If that's the case, it is similar to the "problem" that there is with midi
clients, which are not required to have unique names (unlike jack), so
software try to rely on the only thing that *should* be identical across

È difficile avere una convinzione precisa quando si parla delle ragioni del
cuore. - "Sostiene Pereira", Antonio Tabucchi

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